Zanimivosti okoli nas / What to do

Rakov Škocjan

Rakov Škocjan vam bo gotovo všeč, če ste ljubitelji narave, rek, jam in sotesk.  Idealna dnevni izlet v vročih dneh. Za pot od Malega do Velikega naravnega mostu in nazaj si rezervirajte približno 4 ure, skupaj s postanki ob znamenitostih ter malico pri Hotelu Rakov Škocjan.

You will definitely like Rakov Škocjan if you are a lover of nature, rivers, caves and gorges. Ideal day trip on hot days. It will take about 4 hours for the journey from the Small to the Big Natural Bridge and back, together with stops at sights and a snack at the Hotel Rakov Škocjan.

Planinska jama - Ravbarjev stolp - reka Unica

Izvir reke Unice z Planinsko jamo in Ravbarjevim stolpom v vasi Planina. Urejena in lepo dostopna stezica pripelje do vstopa v jamo kjer tudi izvira reka Unica. Stražni stol dostopen, toda zaprt.

The source of the river Unica with Planinska jama and Ravbar's tower in the village of Planina. A well-kept and nicely accessible path leads to the entrance to the cave where the river Unica also originates. The watchtower is accessible but closed.